Frolly now has it place in the urban dictionary follow this link to check it out!
Urban Dictionary Defines Frolly
One of the most delightful ways of playing - whether as a grown up or a child - is through experiencing a play. We see plays and we might be in plays, either way, the association of 'play' is by no means a coincidence. We use our imaginations to go into a different place and world and often let other characters or people take us there.
Imagination is such a massive and important part of play because it frees us from the contraints of the world around us, and that is what gives us the ability to be grown ups!
Currently I am working with a team of adult professional theatre makers (or playsmiths) who are in turn working with a group of young people to create a play from scratch. Playing from nothing. And making everything, including a kick ass song and a story with a strong narrative message about contemporary society.
Recently we went to see Graeae's production of The Iron Man ( which was performed in a very playful way, incorporating sign language and spoken words. The Iron Man ended up playing with the actors and audience too. If giants can't play like grown ups, no-one can!
Fun things I hope to do today, to warn off any Monday blues and kick August off to a powerful start:
1) Jump out and scare someone
2) Do a handstand (just to see if I still can - maybe just against a wall)
3) Learn how to swear in another language and try to sneak it into conversation
What are you going to do to warn off Monday blues?
P.s it is difficult to jump out on someone when you publish a
blog that you are going to do it... Today's top tip and my lesson.